Tuesday, August 22, 2006
thanks to all my friends and relatives went for my bd celebration!
i received :
$120 worth of kino vouchers
$20 coffee bean voucher
mona lisa red wine
$30 nets gift card
$270 cash
lotsa stuff toys x 4
half jacket
guess watch
chomel watch
butcherr watch
gold n platinum n diamond jewellery
espirit towel
self knit wollen HP pouch
hp holder
large teddy bear
love charm voodoo doll
tea bags
oceanus set
encouragement sketch book
shaking head career toy
birthdae dress
soka gakkai overseas pen
t shirt
so many! i try to name almost all lah ...
i am overwhelmed.
in fact , i was thrown into the pool by dear SD friends
poor new pretty dress...
I like to thank my family for organising this event for me n being patient wif all my crazy antics for these 21 years...
n to my bf ... who has stood by me unwaveringly for close to 4 years ...
I love u all ! MUACK!
Posted by cheng at 8:07 AM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
met a new friend !
The day before yesterday, i met a new friend who contacted me through friendster.
His name is Zhixian .
He really got lots to talk to me about.
I find him as a nice chap.
Thank you Zhixian , for reaching out to me.
anywae i post this song for my friends and also for my bf too
hope u all enjoy it.
It's by Tracy Chapman - Baby can I hold you
Posted by cheng at 9:26 AM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
pictures ! pictures! modified ones!

I have 2 photos I modified here , the everquest 2 queen i used as my wallpaper, lineage 2 pic i use merely as my fanphoto pic. Both games I love ! Feel free to use and if anyone need game wallpaper services , let me know. drop me an email @
lonewolf333333@hotmail.com . Oh btw, the patch of black on the eq2 gal is used to cover as backdrop for my icons on the desktop, so when used together, it's great!
Posted by cheng at 4:42 AM